
It’s a robust open-source framework that gives you the tools to create beautiful and interactive apps running on iOS and Android devices. With I...
In international business, the failure to understand Intercultural differences can lead to severe consequences. When thinking about nearshore teams...
Introduction: (PWAs) Progressive web apps have been gaining popularity since 2015, when Google and Microsoft laid the groundwork. Whether you’re...
Obwohl der von Russland ausgebrochene Krieg in der Ukraine immer noch andauert, geht es der ukrainischen IT-Branche gut, denn sie liefert ihren westli...
.NET Developers from Egypt and Ukraine: Benefits of Nearshore Services Evolvice has been focusing on .NET development since its foundation in 2012. Th...
On November 29th, 2022, ITIDA – the Information Technology Industry Development Agency of Egypt and Evolvice GmbH signed an agreement.   The agree...
Countries in Eastern Europe, some of the world’s famous IT hubs, may first come to mind when asked about the best locations for outsourcing and ...
The Outsourcing & Shared Service Germany Forum and the RPA & Smart Automation Germany Forum represent a well-founded, result-orientated dialog...
The number of companies and businesses that rely on software applications and applications for their day-to-day operations. This prompts the need for ...
For those, who can’t stick to the end of this article, the answer is: both. The results of our internal survey at Evolvice show that it highly d...